Thursday, January 12, 2017

“Odin was a drunken old sot, occasionally wandering off to get into fights. I had 30 years of anger and frustration towards Odin for his sanctimonious and racist treatment of Thor and Loki. I wasn’t going to hold back.” - Bill Messner-Loebs (, 11/9/13)

THOR #495, the first issue written by Bill Messner-Loebs, is a double treat thanks to the impressive full art by Geoff Isherwood. The coloring is an example of what could be done with a computer in 1995. 
Plus, for those of us that like good-looking women, Amora appears on 12 of the 21 pages.

Monday, January 2, 2017

THREE YEARS AGO TODAY: Norse Mythology versus Zombies

 THOR: THE DARK WORLD surpassed WORLD WAR Z in domestic box office gross by $160,000. 
Both of these covers by the amazing Arthur Suydam.