(W) Derek Landy (A) Carlos Magno (CA) Clayton Crain
Doctor Doom tricked Doctor Strange into surrendering the title of Sorcerer Supreme. Now Doom is ruling the world, and Stephen Strange is experiencing an identity crisis. Searching for purpose he travels to Asgard to see if Thor's kingdom might be looking for a Sorcerer Supreme of its own. Loki's willing to help, but that help comes with a wicked catch, and Strange quickly realizes that becoming Asgard's top magical authority is going to be more complicated than he thought.(W) Al Ewing (A) Jan Bazaldua (CA) Alex Ross
The Odinson stood at a gate in a dark wood. In front of the gate stood Skurge the Executioner, bloodaxe in hand, waiting for the final battle between them. And if Thor won the combat, then behind that same gate stood Utgardhall, and the final death that awaited him - the death he fought for.
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